
Parish Mission Statement
We are a parish of the young and elderly, married and single, healthy and broken,
We welcome all to come together to give praise and thanks to God through the celebration of the Eucharist and other sacraments and devotions of the church,
We seek to become a Christian community who educate people in the Gospel and reach out to others. Here, with support, strength and inspiration we receive from one another, we are nourished daily on our journey of faith.
Office Hours
Monday thru Thursday 9 am to 12 Noon and 1 pm to 5 pm Friday 9 am to 12 Noon .
We are always reachable through email (sbsecretary@aol.com) or you may leave a message at 215-333-0446
and we will return your call as soon as possible. ​

Our Story
Behind the Scenes
December 17, 1927, The Catholic Standard and Times contained the announcement of the new parish, St. Bernard.
On December 19th, Father Holahan began his pastorate while residing with the priests in St. Leo's rectory until he moved into the first rectory at 7141 Cottage Street.
On February 5, 1928, a structure at Cottage and Wellington began to be used as a temporary chapel. On February 6th, the plot of land where the Church, parish buildings and school now stand was purchased.
On November 24, 1929, the new church and school building was blessed and dedicated and school began the following day with an enrollment of 218!
From November, 1929 until February, 1962, the rectory was located in 4400, 4402 and 4404 Aldine Street and the convent was housed in 4434, 4436 and 4438 until February, 1956.
Our present church broke ground on October 1, 1952. The Aldine Street Chapel was never intended to be a permanent church and had always been called a chapel. The present church was blessed on June 8, 1952. It should be noted that the church was blessed, but not dedicated. There are two probable reasons: first churches are dedicated after the debt and mortgage are cleared; second, the basement church was never intended to be the main church. There was a dream to build an upper church on top of the basement church! Monies the parish were saving during the 1950's to erect the upper church were redirected to the construction of the Jackson Street School. This was later followed by a new convent which opened in 1956 and the rectory opening in 1961.